Nye markeder gir nye muligheter, men også begrensninger for dem som ikke evner å henge med og tilpasse seg de nye trendene. Omstilling krever ny forståelse og ny innsikt; kort […]
Successful NICCI ICT-Health conference.
Thanks to State Secretary Cecilie Brein-Karlsen and our co-organizers IKT-Norge and the Norwegian Research Council. The participants at the first ICT-health conference with a Norway-India business perspective -was brought up […]
Helse-IKT krever ledende internasjonal kompetanse
-Det er pradoksalt å stille krav om at alle involverte IT-konsulenter må være norske, skriver Rina Sunder i Finansavisen i dag.
Our ICT in health conference in the press
– India har store utfordringer på mange plan i samfunnet, også innenfor helsesektoren. Norge ligger teknologisk langt fremme på dette feltet, og det er stort marked for norske bedrifter. Samtidig […]
We have received the following invitation to all NICCI members from Ambassador Browne. Save the date and join us at Telenor Arena 21 June 2015.
Vil gi Norge fordeler innen telemedisin, farmasi, RFID og kirurgiske simuleringer
Ny teknologi vil være en «game changer» for fremtidige helsetjenester. Hvordan bruk av ny teknologi kan bidra til bedre helse stod derfor på dagsorden dagen før Norway-Asia Business Summit i […]
Norwegian executives exploring breakthrough Innovation in booming India
MUMBAI: for 3 days the IFN/NICCI study group made the 20 million people metropolis unsafe, hunting high and low for Indian game-changing. The catch brought home was tons of inspiration […]
ICT in health. Exploring the Norway-India synergies
Norway India Chamber of Commerce and Industry and IKT-Norge proudly present the very first ICT-Health conference with an Indo-Norwegian business perspective.
NICCI is getting noticed in media
To make it simple for you, we are collecting the links for you. Check out our list
POSTPONED: Growth & sustainability seminar / AGM
Unfortenately our planned Growth & Sustainability seminar and Annual General Meeting planned for the 13th May – is postponed. We will confirm a new date as soon as possible.
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