MUMBAI: for 3 days the IFN/NICCI study group made the 20 million people metropolis unsafe, hunting high and low for Indian game-changing. The catch brought home was tons of inspiration […]
NICCI positions itself at the very heart of all the action
At the plenary session of the high level business seminar at NHO, the President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee congratulated NICCI along with other stakeholders for their continuous efforts to […]
Innovation Norway business seminar in cooperation with NICCI
After the official welcome at the Royal Castle, the next stop for the Indian business delgation was the DNB headquarters in Bjørvika. Innovation Norway organized the business seminar packed with […]
A new beginning for Indo-Norwegian business relations
NICCI’s extended Board meets the newly appointed Indian ambassador to Norway and initiates to take the Norway-India business relations to a new high!
Ambassador Homme – “How to ride the Modi wave?”
Ambassador Homme to the NICCI members: «India is like a super tanker, which takes time to turn. But I believe there is a captain on the bridge that means business»