What steps has your company taken to ensure that your company and your suppliers do not use childlabour? Does your company have a policy against corruption, and how do you implement it ? Are the health and safety standards of your company and of your suppliers in accordance with international HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) standards? Does CSR improve firm value? How can CSR be transformed into a positive driver for change and opportunity to create value? As a Norwegian company operating in India, your stakeholders expect you to be able to answer these questions.
Doing business responsibly in India is challenging and requires constant attention from management. Norwegian companies cannot expect the same level of public regulation and monitoring of their activities in India as they do in Norway, and must therefore ensure that social and environmental practices meet Norwegian and international norms and expectations. Failing to meet these expectations may negatively impact their company’s reputation and harm their relations with employees, customers, investors, partners, media and the local community.
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